Academic Publications
Brouwer, M. E., Williams, A.D., Forand, N. R.,, DeRubeis, R.J., & Bockting, C.L.H. (in press). Dysfunctional attitudes or extreme response style as predictors of depressive relapse and recurrence after mobile cognitive therapy for recurrent depression. Journal of Affective Disorder.
Karyotaki, E., Ebert, D. D., Donkin, L., Riper, H., Twisk, J., Burger, S., Rozental, A., Lange, A., Williams, A. D., Zarski, A. C., Geraedts, A., van Straten, A., Kleiboer, A., Meyer, B., Ince, B. Ü., Buntrock, C., Lehr, D., Snoek, F. J., Andrews, G., Andersson, G., Choi, I., Ruwaard, J., Klein, J. P., Newby, J. M., Schröder, J., Laferton, J. A. C., van Bastelaar, K., Imamura, K., Vernmark, K., Boß, L., Sheeber, L. B., Kivi, M., , Berking, M., Titov, N., Carlbring, P., Johansson, R., Kenter, R., Perini, S., Moritz, S., Nobis, S., Berger, T., Kaldo, V., Forsell, Y., Lindefors, N., Kraepelien, M. , Björkelund, C., Kawakami, N., & Cuijpers, P. (2018). Do guided internet-based interventions result in clinically relevant changes for patients with depression? An individual participant data meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review.